Business Directory

Rep Roster

Benjamin Mainka

Mr. Dan Maldonado

Jennifer Manhnieo
Marketing Manager of New Store Expansion

Gwen Markham

Gwen Markham is the Oakland County Commissioner for District 15, which includes Novi, Farmington Hills, and the Oakland County portion of the City of Northville. She was elected in 2018 and is now in her third term. She currently serves as Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners Finance Committee, responsible for oversight of the $1.3 Billion county budget. She is also Chair of the County’s Airport Committee, and a member of the Economic Development and Infrastructure Committee. She serves on the board of the Oakland County Pioneer and Historical Society, the County Drain Board, and the Human Trafficking Task Force. She also isVice Chairperson of SEMCOG, the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments. It’s here that local elected leaders from 7 Counties and 184 communities come together to work in a bipartisan manner to bring federal funding, environmental protections, and economic development to the region.

Prior to serving as a Commissioner, Ms. Markham served 5 years on the Novi City Council. Before that, she was on the Novi Planning Commission and the Friends of the Novi Theatres. She has retired from a career in manufacturing operations in the automotive and aerospace industries. 

Sarah Markiewicz
Regional Marketing Manager

Alaina Markle

Troy Marks II

Desiree Martinez
Marketing Dungeon Master

Krysta Martoia

Jennifer McArdle
Hello, my name is Jennifer and I am a Librarian at the Novi Public Library.

I have a unique role at our library as a Youth Librarian and a Business/Career Librarian. This gives me to opportunity to merge two of my passions: working with kids and working with businesses.

I look forward to connecting with you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 


  • Master of Library & Information Science (graduating August 2024)
  • Bachelor of Business Administration - Management
  • Associate of Science - Business Management
  • Associate of Arts - Early Childhood Education through Grade 4 


  • Limited Professional Library Certification (Level 3)
  • Certified Digital Marketing Professional
  • Level 5 Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
  • Certification in Teaching Children's and Teen's Yoga

Jeannie McCarthy

Kevin McVay

Ryan McWilliams
General Manager

Greg Miller
Vice President of Sales

Eloina Miranda

Stephanie Mitchell
Vice president

Christina Moeller

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